Friday, June 10, 2011

Liberia '77 Photos: Out of Town

Last of three posts in which I borrow some of the incredible vintage images from the growing Liberia '77 submission page-- although with what is up so far, I cannot wait to see what is added later.

These are some images from out of town: the top has been confirmed to be Gbarnga, showing it to be much less impressive than manicured, curb-cut Monrovia of the time.

The second image is from President Tolbert's personal zoo in Totota, Bong County. I presume this is one of Liberia's famous pygmy hippos. What's especially great about this image is that the beast looks completely un-caged, as if a hippo was just strolling up the street in a central part of town.

Last is a powerful image, seemingly straight out a construction progress report. Its been submitted to Liberia '77 with the label, Tucker Bridge under construction. I just don't know right now exactly what the Tucker Bridge is; presumably this is over the St. Paul River, connecting Virginia to Bushrod Island...but I'm not sure.

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